reginald idømt en bøde på $2000

Reginald idømt en bøde på $2000

Ifølge hans twitter er Reginald idømt en bøde på $2000 for at have overtrådt reglerne vedr. at RIOT skal godkende ens spillere for at spille i LCS. Det var dengang at Lustboy blev annonceret som den nye starter på TSM.

Reginald er til dagligt ejeren af Team SoloMid og har før spillet i selv samme liga. Det hele startede da Reginald tidligere i dag skrev følgende tweet:

Today I learned that I’m being fined for announcing Lustboy without approval. I guess I have to start watching what I do on social media too

Han uddybede det senere i en længere kommentar på Reddit, hvor han blandt andet også skriver at de ville holde bøden hemmeligt for omverdenen.

RiotNickAllen and Bennett reached out to me yesterday to setup a call.

In the past they’ve told me that I should let them know before I make a roster swap because It would help the league ops team prepare for the changes. I thought that it would be optional and I didn’t want to share our changes with Riot because of personal reasons. I was not informed that I could be fined for such things, but apparently I could be fined for pretty much anything.

This morning they told me that I was being fined for $2,000 for announcing Lustboy without approval because it could hurt the league image if he was potentially a ” Drug dealer, criminal or for whatever reason not allowed to play”.

I was also told that I couldn’t announce any sponsors or players without league approval even though we’re an eSports team that have huge personalities in several games; Smite, Hearthstone, and LoL. I”ve expressed that I was really upset about this and I think that the fine is completely bullshit. I was told that they didn’t want to announce this . Overall, the fine is what it is and I was told that I can’t do anything about it.

Det har skabt stor debat på Reddit, som du kan følge med i her. Debatten har blandt andet vækket hele idéen om at RIOT også skal styre eventuelle sponsorater som klubberne vil indgå. Dette kan ifølge mange brugere inde på Reddit have en skadelig effekt.