Her får du en liste over mange af de spil som har udgivelsesdato i året 2019. Det vil på listen fremgå hvilke enheder det givne spil udgives til og hvilket dato vi forventer at spillet lanceres.
Det sker at udgivere flytter på udgivelses datoen for et spil, eller at den dato vi har fået oplyst er udgivelsesdato for en anden region. Vi gør vores bedste for at holde listen opdateret.
Hvis du oplever at vi benytter en forkert dato eller angiver forkerte platforme for spillet, så er du velkommen til at kontakte os.

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story | 3DS | 11.01.19 |
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe | Switch | 11.01.19 |
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 11.01.19 |
Onimusha: Warlords | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 15.01.19 |
The Walking Dead: The Final Season Episode 3, Broken Toys | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 15.01.19 |
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 17.10.19 |
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown | PS4, Xbox One | 18.01.19 |
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes | Switch | 18.01.19 |
At the Gates | PC | 23.01.19 |
Life is Strange 2 Episode 2: Rules | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 24.01.19 |
Resident Evil 2 | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 25.01.19 |
Genesis Alpha One | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 29.01.19 |
Kingdom Hearts III | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 29.01.19 |
Penguin Wars | PS4 | 29.01.19 |
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy | Switch | 29.01.19 |

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown | PC | 01.02.19 |
Wargroove | Switch | 01.02.19 |
Etrian Oddyssey: Nexus | 3DS | 05.02.19 |
The Occupation | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 05.02.19 |
BazBlue: Central Fiction | Switch | 07.02.19 |
God Eater 3 | PS4, PC | 08.02.19 |
Monster Energy Supercross 2 | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 08.02.19 |
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince | PS4, Switch | 12.02.19 |
Trials Rising | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 12.02.19 |
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm | PC | 14.02.19 |
Crackdown 3 | Xbox One, PC | 15.02.19 |
Metro Exodus | PS4, PC | 15.02.19 |
Far Cry: New Dawn | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 15.02.19 |
Jump Force | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 15.02.19 |
Yakuza Kiami | PC | 19.02.19 |
Anthem | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 22.02.19 |
Dirt Rally 2.0 | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 26.02.19 |
Stellaris: Console Edition | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 26.02.19 |
The Lego Movie 2 | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 26.02.19 |

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Dead or Alive 6 | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 01.03.19 |
Left Alive | PS4, PC | 05.03.19 |
Total War: Three Kingdoms | PC | 07.03.19 |
Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn | 3DS | 08.03.19 |
Devil May Cry 5 | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 08.03.19 |
The Caligula Effect: Overdose | PS4, PC, Switch | 12.03.19 |
The Division 2 | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 15.03.19 |
One Piece: World Seeker | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 16.03.19 |
American Ninja Warrior Challenge | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 19.03.19 |
The Sinking City | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 21.03.19 |
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 22.03.19 |
Danganronpa Trilogy | PS4 | 26.03.19 |
The Princess Guide | PS4, Switch | 26.03.19 |
The Walking Dead: the Final Season: Episode 4 | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 26.03.19 |
Tropico 6 | PS4, Xbox One, PC | 29.03.19 |
Yoshi’s Crafted World | Switch | 29.03.19 |

Titel | Konsol | Dato |
Bomberman Crew: Complete Edition | PS4, Switch | 02.04.19 |
Power Ragners: Battle for the Grid | PS4 | 02.04.19 |
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition | Switch | 02.04.19 |
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission | PC, Switch | 05.04.19 |
Dangerous Driving | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 09.04.19 |
Neo Atlas 1469 | Switch | 09.04.19 |
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning | PC, PS4 | 09.04.19 |
Ace Attorney Trilogy | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 09.04.19 |
Shovel Knight Showdown | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 09.04.19 |
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain | PS4 | 11.04.19 |
Nintendo Labo: VR Kit | Switch | 12.04.19 |
Konami Arcade Classics | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 13.04.19 |
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster | Xbox One, Switch | 16.04.19 |
Anno 1800 | PC | 16.04.19 |
Wateland 2 | Switch | 16.04.19 |
Tanks Meet Zombies | Switch | 16.04.19 |
World War Z | Switch | 16.04.19 |
Truberbrook | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 17.04.19 |
Cuphead | Switch | 18.04.19 |
Our World Is Ended | PS4 | 19.04.19 |
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen | Switch | 23.04.19 |
Mortal Kombat 11 | PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch | 23.04.19 |
SteamWorld Quest: Hans of Gilgamech | Switch | 25.04.19 |
BoxBoy + BoxGirl | Switch | 26.04.19 |
Super Meat Boy Forever | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 26.04.19 |
Days Gone | PS4 | 26.04.19 |
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age | Xbox One, Switch | 30.04.19 |

Titel | Konsol | Dato |
The Legend of Heroes: Trials of Cold Steel II | PS4 | 07.05.19 |
Shakedown: Hawaii | PC, PS4, Switch | 07.05.19 |
Life is Strange 2: Episode 3 | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 09.05.19 |
A Plague Tale: Innocence | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 14.05.19 |
Rage 2 | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 14.05.19 |
Cytus Alpha | Switch | 14.05.19 |
Redout | Switch | 14.05.19 |
Bubsy: Paws of Fire! | PC, PS4, Switch | 16.05.19 |
Stven Universe: Save the Light & OK K.O.! Bundle | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 17.05.19 |
Team Sonic Racing | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 21.05.19 |
Assasin’s Creed III Remastered/Liberation Remastered | Switch | 21.05.19 |
Observation | PC, PS4 | 21.05.19 |
Resident Evil | Switch | 21.05.19 |
Resident Evil 2 | Switch | 21.05.19 |
Resident Evil Zero | Switch | 21.05.19 |
Everybody’s Golf VR | PS4 | 21.05.19 |
Total War: Three Kingdoms | PC | 23.05.19 |
Little Friends: Dogs & Cats | Switch | 28.05.19 |
Blood + Truth | PSVR | 28.05.19 |
Labis x Labyrinth XL Limited Edition | PS4, Switch | 31.05.19 |
Trover Saves The Universe | PS4, PSVR | 31.05.19 |

Titel | Konsol | Dato |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 04.06.19 |
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth | 3DS | 04.06.19 |
Warhammer Chaosbane | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 04.06.19 |
Realm Royale | PC, PS4 | 05.06.19 |
Barotrauma | PC, Mac | 05.06.19 |
Hell Let Loose | PC | 06.06.19 |
Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 09.06.19 |
Devolver Bootleg | PC | 09.06.19 |
Contra Anniversary Collection | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 11.06.19 |
Cadence of Hyrule – Crypt of the Necrodancer Featuring the Legend og Zelda | Switch | 13.06.19 |
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 18.06.19 |
They Are Billions | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 18.06.19 |
198X | PC | 20.06.19 |
My Friend Pedro | PC | 20.06.19 |
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 21.06.19 |
Judgment | PS4 | 21.06.19 |
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite | iOS, Android | 21.06.19 |
Samurai Shodown | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 27.06.19 |
The Sinking City | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 27.06.19 |
Super Mario Maker 2 | Switch | 28.06.19 |
F1 2019 | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 28.06.19 |
Titel | Konsol | Dato |
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers | PC, Mac, PS4 | 02.07.19 |
Teppen | iOS, Android | 04.07.19 |
Stranger Things 3: The Game | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 04.07.19 |
Sea of Solitude | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 05.07.19 |
Dr. Mario World | iOS, Andriod | 10.07.19 |
SolSeraph | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 10.07.19 |
Blazing Chrome | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 11.07.19 |
Griftlands | PC | 11.07.19 |
Dragon Quest Builders 2 | PS4, Switch | 12.07.19 |
Streets of Rogue | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 12.07.19 |
It’s Always Sunny: The Gang Goes Mobile | iOS, Android | 15.07.19 |
Sky: Children of the Light | iOS | 18.07.19 |
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order | Switch | 19.07.19 |
Elsinore | PC | 22.07.19 |
Fantasy Strike | PC, PS4, Switch | 25.07.19 |
Picross Lord of the Nazarick | Switch | 25.07.19 |
Kill la Kill – IF | PC, PS4, Switch | 26.07.19 |
Fire Emblem: Three Houses | Switch | 26.07.19 |
Wolfenstein: Youngblood | PS, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 26.07.19 |

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Madden NFL 20 | PC, PSS4, Xbox One | 02.08.19 |
The Church in the Darkness | PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 02.08.19 |
Age of Wonders: Planetfall | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 06.08.19 |
Necrobarista | PC | 08.08.19 |
Remnant: From the Ashes | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 20.08.19 |
Rad | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 20.08.19 |
Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 20.08.19 |
Oniaki | PC, PS4, Switch | 22.08.19 |
Life Is Strange 2: Episode 4 | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 22.08.19 |
Puyo Puyo | Switch | 22.08.19 |
Space Harrier | Switch | 22.08.19 |
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey | PC | 27.08.19 |
Control | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 27.08.19 |
The Bard’s Tale IV: Director’s Cut | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 27.08.19 |
Blair Witch | PC, Xbox One | 30.08.19 |
Astral Chain | Switch | 30.08.19 |
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 30.08.19 |

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Catherine: Full Body | PS4, Xbox One | 03.09.19 |
Warsaw | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 04.09.19 |
River City Girls | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 05.09.19 |
Monster Hunter World: Iceborn | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 06.09.19 |
Creatue in the Well | PC, Xbox One , Switch | 06.09.19 |
NBA 2K20 | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 06.09.19 |
eFootball PES 2020 | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 10.09.19 |
Gears 5 | PC, Xbox One | 10.09.19 |
Greedfall | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 10.09.19 |
Daemon X Machina | Switch | 13.09.19 |
Borderlands 3 | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia | 13.09.19 |
NASCAR Heat 4 | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 13.09.19 |
NHL 20 | PS4, Xbox One | 13.09.19 |
AI: The Somnium Files | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 17.09.19 |
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son | PSVR, Rift, Vive | 17.09.19 |
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered | PC, PS4, Switch | 20.09.19 |
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening | Switch | 20.09.19 |
Unititled Goose Game | PC | 20.09.19 |
Game of Throness Beyond the Wall | iOSS, Android | 23.09.19 |
Cat Quesst II | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 24.09.19 |
The Surge 2 | iOS, Android | 24.09.19 |
Contra: Rogue Corps | PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 24.09.19 |
Mario Kart Tour | iOS, Android | 25.09.19 |
Code Vein | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 27.09.19 |
FIFA 20 | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 27.09.19 |
Dragon Quest XI S | Switch | 27.09.19 |

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Call of Duty: Mobile | iOS, Andriod | 01.10.19 |
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia | 01.10.19 |
Neo Cab | PC, Switch, iOS | 03.10.19 |
Ghost Recon Breakpoint | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia | 04.10.19 |
Concrete Genie | PS4, PSVR | 08.10.19 |
Atlas | PC, Xbox One | 08.10.19 |
Indivisble | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 08.10.19 |
John Wick Hex | PC, Mac | 08.10.19 |
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 08.10.19 |
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 08.10.19 |
Asgard’s Wrath | Rift | 10.10.19 |
Valfaris | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 10.10.19 |
Frostpunk | PS4, Xbox One | 11.10.19 |
Doraemon: Story of Seasons | PC, Switch | 11.10.19 |
Frostpunk | PS4, Xbox One | 11.1019 |
Killer Queen Black | PC, Switch | 11.10.19 |
Grid | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia | 11.10.19 |
Disco Elysium | PC | 15.10.19 |
Children Of Morta | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 15.10.19 |
Overwatch | Switch | 15.10.19 |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Switch | 15.10.19 |
Little Town Hero | Switch | 15.10.19 |
Felix the Reaper | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Mac, Switch | 17.10.19 |
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Complete Edition | PC, PS4 | 17.10.19 |
Lovecraft Tales: The Whisperer in the Darkness | PC | 18.10.19 |
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 18.10.19 |
Return Of The Obra Dinn | Switch | 18.10.19 |
Ring Fit Adventure | Switch | 18.10.19 |
Moons of Madness | PC | 22.10.19 |
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III | PS4 | 22.10.19 |
WWE 2K20 | 22.10.19 | |
Lonely Mountains: Downhill | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Mac, Switch | 23.10.19 |
Cat Quest II | Switch | 24.10.19 |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 25.10.19 |
MediEvil | PS4 | 25.10.19 |
The Outer Worlds | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 25.10.19 |
Afterparty | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 29.10.19 |
Harvest Moon: Mad Dash | PS4, Switch | 29.10.19 |
Resident Evil 5 | Switch | 29.10.19 |
Resident Evil 6 | Switch | 29.10.19 |
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 29.10.19 |
Vampyr | Switch | 29.10.19 |
Luigi’s Mansion 3 | Switch | 31.10.19 |

Titel |
Konsol |
Dato |
Citadel: Forged With Fire | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 01.11.19 |
Mario & Zonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 | Switch | 05.11.19 |
Just Dance 2020 | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Wii, Stadia | 05.11.19 |
Planet Zoo | PC | 05.11.19 |
Red Dead Redemption II | PC | 05.11.19 |
Garfield Kart: Furios Racing | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 07.11.19 |
Death Stranding | PS4 | 08.11.19 |
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival | Switch | 08.11.19 |
Jumanji: The Video Game | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 08.11.19 |
Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy – Deluxe Edition | Switch | 08.11.19 |
Need for Speed Heat | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 08.11.19 |
New Super Lucky’s Tale | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 08.11.19 |
Romancing SaGa 3 | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita | 11.11.19 |
Superliminal | PC | 12.11.19 |
Yaga | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, iOS | 12.11.19 |
Sparklite | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Mac | 14.11.19 |
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition | PC | 14.11.19 |
Stormland | Rift | 14.11.19 |
Terminator: Resistance | PC | 14.11.19 |
Astroneer | PS4 | 15.11.19 |
Pokémon Sword | Switch | 15.11.19 |
Pokémon Shield | Switch | 15.11.19 |
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 15.11.19 |
Woven | PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch | 15.11.19 |
Shenmue III | PC, PS4 | 19.11.19 |
Civilization VI | PS4, Xbox One | 22.11.19 |
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts | PC, PS4, Xbox One | 22.11.19 |
Gris | PS4 | 26.11.19 |