I dag har spilleren Konrad ‘Mokatte’ Kukier valgt at træde tilbage efter at have sikret sit hold en ny organisation i form af mousesports.
Mokatte, som er mest kendt for sine mange år i Meet Your Makers, har valgt at træde tilbage på grund af hans manglende evne til at forbedre sig som spiller. Mokatte har spillet i mange forskellige lande, hvor der blandt andet kan nævnes Kina, Brasilien og Sydkorea.
Derudover har Mokatte også slået en verdensrekord sammen med sine nu to tidligere holdkammerater, Makler og Czaru. De formåede at holde sammen i over 1000 dage uden at splitte op.
Selv har Mokatte udtalt på sin facebook:
“My last 3 years were the dream. I started League simply because I enjoyed this game, and it turned out to be my job. I met a loooooooot of people, gained tons of experience and traveled around the whole world, playing in LoL tournaments. I cannot describe enough the feeling that was going trough me, every single time we won or lost any match. Its just… priceless and I have no regrets whatsoever.
Anyways… everything comes to an end. Despite commiting 100% to the game, I couldnt keep up with improving competition and our main goal – getting back to LCS – was getting more difficult each day. When we joined mouz, I promissed that this team will get back to the top. And I will hold to this promise, even if that leads me to decision that ends my career.
Im pretty sure that we found best possible replacement as KonDziSan, despite being very young, turns out to have great attitude and communication, while being incredibly skilled. Looking forward to watch guys getting back to the top with him on board!
Thanks everyone for support, its been best 3 years of my life, and esports will always have special place in my heart. Goodbye.”
Som han selv nævner er det den forholdsvis ukendte spiller KonDziSan som erstatter den erfarne kaptajn. Vi får en smagsprøve på holdets nye spiller når de i aften skal i kamp mod det danske Reason Gaming.