LMQ fyrer deres manager med øjeblikkelig virkning. Det sker efter at LMQ har lavet en statement på facebook.
Det hele stopper dog ikke her, eftersom at manageren – Som er kvinden Xiaowei Li – blev fyret uden at vide det før at klubben annoncerede det hele på facebook. Ifølge hendes twitter skrev hun efter at have læst det:
What happened?
Det er dog ikke den eneste udskiftning som klubben har lavet i administrationen. De har også fået fjernet advokaten A&K og i stedet gøre brug af klubbens officielle ejer, Luyu Esports LLC.
Selv har LMQ skrevet i deres facebookopslag:
As lots of fans may know, we, Team LMQ, have been playing in the NA LCS for the past two months. In order to play in the NA LCS, our team owner had appointed A&K/Lolclass as our U.S. agent to help us settle in and Sharon Li as the team’s manager.
They were helpful to the team when we first arrived in the U.S. and we are grateful for their contributions to Team LMQ. However, in the last few months there were some disagreements with Sharon and unfortunately, this has caused distractions to the team.
Because we must focus on what is best for the team, we must part ways with A&K/Lolclass as well as our ex-manager Sharon Li. We thank Sharon and A&K for all they have done for the team and wish them the best in the future.
In order to strengthen LMQ’s operations and performance, our owner Luyu Esports LLC in Los Angeles will now manage our team and we are ready to take our team to the next level.
Luyu is working to provide a more comfortable training and work environment for the team, such as hiring a more experienced coach and helping us move into a new gaming house. We look forward to performing better and hope that Team LMQ will continue to receive the great support we have been getting from the N.A. fans.
Fyringen af deres manager har sået tvivl hos deres træner om hvorvidt han også skulle fortsætte i klubben. Han har skrevet således på sin twitter:
I didn’t get any informed that i’m fired. So i’m still coaching lmq now. But i dont know when will i get fired. Maybe tmr ?