Den spanske organisation Gamers2, med Ocelote i spidsen, har valgt at skifte deres franske support, Dioud, ud med en franskmand. Således skriver de på deres hjemmeside.
Det er manden Rydle som kommer til at bo sammen med de andre spillere. Erstatningen skulle ifølge Gamers2 manager være en forstærkning af højeste stil:
“We are really sad this happened, especially because Dioud has been a good worker and a friend. This decision was taken because of just one thing; botlane requires perfect synergy between two players, and that synergy was really non existent due to play style reasons between our two botlane players. We hope Dioud gets into a good team because he is really, really good. ” – Luis Rivera – Team Manager
Som en velkomst til Rydle har holdkaptajnen og fanfavoritten Ocelote været ude og sige:
We wanna welcome Rydle.
He will help us become what we have in mind to become. His skills and motivation are onpoint, and we are certain this will work out very well.
The whole team is really happy with his stelar performance vs LCS teams during the last days, and we honestly feel eager to play tournaments already.
Det er dog ikke enden for Dioud som vil fortsætte med at lede efter et nyt hold. Han har skrevet følgende på sin twitter:
Gamers2 made the decision to continu without me. I respect their choice and i wish them good luck. I’m now a free agent.
Gamers2 er nu følgende: