ESL indgår partnerskab med RIOT

Den britiske version af ESL, ESL UK har indgået et partnerskab med RIOT Games.

I partnerskabet indgår det blandt andet at ESL UK skal afholde amatørturneringer for alle slags spillere – Heri også bronze og silver spillere. Målet med turneringerne er at udvikle talentudviklingen i det engelske markant. Af præmier vil der være over 30.000 RIOT Points at vinde.

I øjeblikket er den eneste kendte brite i LCS EU, Freddy på SK-Gaming.

Selv udtaler ESL UK følgende til deres hjemmeside:

“The League of Legends amateur community within the United Kingdom has always been strong, but has very rarely transitioned into organized, prize driven competition. Daunting skill divides are the main reason behind this, and we’re hoping that these skill orientated competitions will help to bridge the divide.

We’re planning to launch our first competition, aimed at the lower skill brackets, in early June, and will continue to grow and expand our activities alongside community interest.

Imens udtaler Riots Games ansvarlige i England:

“We want to create multiple ways for our players to enjoy and interact with League of Legends. We understand that competitive play might not seem an option for many players, which is why we wanted to create our own range of tailored tournaments to encourage all levels of competitive play.”
